FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What Do Those Buttons Do?

Here's a real quick FAQ on what the buttons do as if you didn't already figure them out:

  1. Send - you send your input to ChatGPT
  2. Save - save to a text file on your device in a folder named ZenChatAI
  3. Load - load a previous chat to continue the conversation
  4. Share - Open the default iOS share sheet and share what's in the text box to anything else
  5. Copy - copy to the clipboard
  6. Suggest - Some pre-canned chats to get you started. Click the Lightbulb and go for it
  7. API - you paste in your own API key to use to communicate with Open AI
  8. Trash - Clear the conversation window

Simple enough

How Do I Get an Open AI API Key to Use with ZenChatAI?

To get the app working, you’ll need an API key. You can get one by signing up for an account at Open AI

How Are you Different from the 1000 other apps that probably do the same thing:

  1. No ads
  2. No tracking
  3. Your key not mine so the app is free

I assume people using these apps want the cool looking app and they are just too lazy to get a free key. So they pay $10/month for something they can do for free. But signing up for a key is hard and it's just easy to download some "ChatAppName" and do the same thing except:

  • You are the product
  • Probably does a lot more tracking
  • You pay when it's free for easy to use

Is the Open AI Key Free:

At first yes, you get some credits to use it. Eventually you will pay as you go which is cents. That $10/month app you subscribe to do the same thing, you'd pay way way less if you just pasted your own key into this app and used it.

Check the Open AI Pricing for details but we're talking CENTS like .002 or .03 for 1k tokens (~750 words is token give or take)